Tuesday, December 29, 2009

लाली गुराँस


  1. Thank you for your blog....I find your comments very interesting and informative. I wanted to add that in regard to plastic pollution not all plastics float. PET plastic, the kind used for many different containers, including water bottles, is heavier than water and will sink. We are involved in developing plastics that are better for us and our environment. The ENSO biodegradable plastic bottle is one step toward reducing the negative impact that plastic has on the environment. Again, thank you for your blog.

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog,I will share more
    in the next time.


Life span of a battery 50?

 एक चिनियाँ स्टार्टअपले नयाँ ब्याट्री विकास गरेको छ, जसले ५० वर्षसम्म चार्ज वा मर्मत नगरी पावर उत्पादन गर्ने दाबी गरिएको छ । द इन्डिपेन्डेन्...