Sunday, November 9, 2014

ICT program in Nepal.

The event brought together Ministers of Education and senior education officials from over 20 countries across the region under the theme “The Power of ICT in Education Policies: Implications for Educational Practices”.

The Forum, an annual conference that provides a regular platform to share experience and discuss strategies on the roles and uses of technology in education,  created this year a space for sharing and exploring lesson  on how to utilize, adapt and monitor  ICT in education policies and practices.

Participants of the forum emphasized the importance of developing clear policies and strategies to create a partnership between ICT and education as an essential element for implementing school-level reforms, competency standards for teachers and improving professional development. 

My view for teachers:
Teachers remain central to the learning processA shift in the role of a teacher utilizing ICTs to that of a facilitator does not obviate the need for teachers to serve as leaders in the classroom; traditional teacher leadership skills and practices are still important (especially those related to lesson planning, preparation and follow-up).
Lesson planning is crucial when using ICTsTeacher lesson planning is vital when using ICTs; where little planning has occurred, research shows that student work is often unfocused and can result in lower attainment.
Introducing technology alone will not change the teaching and learning processThe existence of ICTs does not transform teacher practices in and of itself. However, ICTs can enable teachers to transform their teacher practices, given a set of enabling conditions. Teachers’ pedagogical practices and reasoning influence their uses of ICT, and the nature of teacher ICT use impacts student achievement.
ICTs seen as tools to help teachers create more 'learner-centric' learning environmentsIn OECD countries, research consensus holds that the most effective uses of ICT are those in which the teacher, aided by ICTs, can challenge pupils’ understanding and thinking, either through whole-class discussions and individual/small group work using ICTs. ICTs are seen as important tools to enable and support the move from traditional 'teacher-centric' teaching styles to more 'learner-centric' methods.
ICTs can be used to support change and to support/extend existing teaching practicesPedagogical practices of teachers using ICT can range from only small enhancements of teaching practices using what are essentially traditional methods, to more fundamental changes in their approach to teaching. ICTs can be used to reinforce existing pedagogical practices as well as to change the way teachers and students interact.
Using ICTs as tools for information presentation is of mixed effectivenessThe use of ICTs as presentation tools (through overhead and LCD projectors, television, electronic whiteboards, guided "web-tours", where students simultaneously view the same resources on computer screens) is seen to be of mixed effectiveness. While it may promote class understanding of and discussion about difficult concepts (especially through the display of simulations), such uses of ICTs can re-enforce traditional pedagogical practices and divert focus from the content of what is being discussed or displayed to the tool being utilized.
Teacher technical abilities and knowledge of ICTs
Preparing teachers to benefit from ICT use is about more than just technical skillsTeacher technical mastery of ICT skills is a not a sufficient precondition for successful integration of ICTs in teaching.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Gravitation and gravity

The terms gravity and gravitation are often used to explain the same thing, but there is a definite difference between the two.

Gravitation is the attractive force existing between any two objects that have mass. The force of gravitation pulls objects together.

Gravity is the gravitational force that occurs between the earth and other bodies. Gravity is the force acting to pull objects toward the earth.

Since gravitational force is happening to all matter (objects) in the universe, from the largest galaxies down to the smallest atoms, it is often called universal gravitation. Sir Isaac Newton was the first to fully recognize that the force holding any object to the earth is the same as the force holding the moon, the planets, and other heavenly bodies in their orbits. According to Newton's law of universal gravitation any two masses in the universe attract each other with a gravitational pull. The size of this force is given by:

F is the force between two masses (in Newtons)

m and M are the two masses (in kilograms)

R is the distance between the center of these masses (in metres)

G is the universal constant of gravitation (6.7 x 10-11 Nm2/kg2)

Gravitation is actually a very weak force. The pull is too weak to be felt between two people and it is not even strong enough to pull together two lumps of lead placed right next to each other. It is only when one of the masses is the size of a planet that we can feel the force of gravity.

The huge gravitational force of our nearest star, the Sun, holds together the nine planets of our Solar System. The planets move through space at speeds that just balance the Sun’s gravitational pull, so they are locked into a permanent circle (orbit) around the Sun. Moons orbit planets, and satellites and spacecraft orbit the Earth, in the same way. Satellites are not defying gravity in circling endlessly around the Earth, it is just that they are moving so fast around the Earth that gravity never brings them any closer.

Gravity indicates gravitational force that occurs between the earth and other bodies. Gravity is the force acting to pull objects toward the earth.

Gravity is the force that holds us on the ground and causes objects to fall back to the ground after being thrown in the air.

The force holding objects to the earth's surface depends not only on the Earth's gravitational field but also on other factors, such as the Earth's rotation.

The Earth’s gravitational pull extends out into space in all directions. The further you move away from the center of the Earth the weaker the force becomes.

The measure of the force of gravity on an object is the weight of that object. Weight is measured in newtons (N). The weight of an object changes depending on its location in the universe.
Other Answers (4)
SUDHANSHU TRIPATHI answered 4 years ago
yes, there is a little difference between the two terms..
Force of Gravity means the force of attraction between any object towards the Earth,
but on the other hand - Gravitational force is the universal force of attraction or repulsion between any two objects in the universe.

Note that Force of gravity will be always attractive force but gravitational force may be attractive or repulsive.
gravitational force when between any body and earth will be known as force of gravity.

Hence force of gravity may be called as gravitational force but gravitational force will be said as force of gravity, when earth is included as a body.

Weightlessness, or an absence of 'weight', is in fact an absence of stress and strain resulting from externally applied mechanical contact-forces, typically normal forces from floors, seats, beds, scales, and the like. Counterintuitively, a uniform gravitational field does not by itself cause stress or strain, and a body in free fall in such an environment experiences no g-forceacceleration and feels weightless. This is also termed "zero-g" where the term is most correctly understood as meaning "zero g-force."
When bodies are acted upon by non-gravitational forces, as in a centrifuge, a rotating space station, or within a space ship with rockets firing, a sensation of weight is produced, as the contact forces from the moving structure act to overcome the body's inertia. In such cases, a sensation of weight, in the sense of a state of stress can occur, even if the gravitational field was zero. In such cases, g-forces are felt, and bodies are not weightless.
When the gravitational field is non-uniform, a body in free fall suffers tidal effects and is not stress-free. Near a black hole, such tidal effects can be very strong. In the case of the Earth, the effects are minor, especially on objects of relatively small dimension (such as the human body or a spacecraft) and the overall sensation of weightlessness in these cases is preserved. This condition is known as microgravity and it prevails in orbiting spacecraft.

Gravitational Force

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


What is CCT?
It is a new way to solve questions by classification of questions ,collegiate learning and techniques to answers. 

Life span of a battery 50?

 एक चिनियाँ स्टार्टअपले नयाँ ब्याट्री विकास गरेको छ, जसले ५० वर्षसम्म चार्ज वा मर्मत नगरी पावर उत्पादन गर्ने दाबी गरिएको छ । द इन्डिपेन्डेन्...